曾有博友说,写博不为了什么,只想用文字记录当下的一切,好待80岁后去点击回忆..,(诚心在此祈祷他的博客,能留至80岁后不被K倒).说来可笑,我上网写博的第1个念头是,要搞1个”xx 觧答信箱”好让性无知的人来问長问短.性正在写,爱正欲提升时,只用到x爱两字,博文就被K了.那时就已发觉到雷池处处,我开始总是小心奕奕的,吊着阴囊,文字横行得胆跳心惊.
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这是保活(壞友)極 具个人风格的原创空间,文字未经授权,谢绝转载;如你认为以上付出的血汗值得资助,那大小款项都是无任欢迎.Some rights reserved for my creative work. Although this article is free, if you think 壞友PoWKilLeR deserves a donation, just hit the E~mails bellow, Any amount will help..,THANKS !!!
有心捐助 壞友PoWKilLeR
充作创意基金的善翁仁士们,可联系 Email:ranger.power7712@gmail.com orpowkiller.com@gmail.com
Translation services :翻譯这是保活(壞友)極 具个人风格的原创空间,文字未经授权,谢绝转载;如你认为以上付出的血汗值得资助,那大小款项都是无任欢迎.Some rights reserved for my creative work. Although this article is free, if you think 壞友PoWKilLeR deserves a donation, just hit the E~mails bellow, Any amount will help..,THANKS !!!
有心捐助 壞友PoWKilLeR

The following is the English translation of machine Qi:
Unintentionally looked over rows of the blog, whereI first have familiarity, but also refuses to contact the (low level of bad because I am), students from the heart You Ran an endless frustration, and a generous no absolute ...
Bo had friends that blogging is not for what, just want to keep written records of all present, ready to be recalled to click on after the age of 80 .., (sincere in this prayer on his blog, to stay until after the age of 80 is not K down). to say ridiculous, I go online the first one blogging idea is that pursue a "xx answer mail," so of ignorant people to fuss of. of the process of writing, love their way to upgrade when x love uses only the word, Bo was included in the K a. then been found to deviate from everywhere, I'm always careful Olympus of, hanging scrotum, text rampage was scared bile jump.
When reading some of Bo ~asbreach of the agreement, the blog has been restricted or removed.. ",from the heart You Ran an endless frustration of Health, and a generous ... not never want to blog live longer,want tobring luck line drive,then the firstnetwork of its own freedom to make a plan, give yourself a pre-speech Cha limit is necessary.
Bo had friends that blogging is not for what, just want to keep written records of all present, ready to be recalled to click on after the age of 80 .., (sincere in this prayer on his blog, to stay until after the age of 80 is not K down). to say ridiculous, I go online the first one blogging idea is that pursue a "xx answer mail," so of ignorant people to fuss of. of the process of writing, love their way to upgrade when x love uses only the word, Bo was included in the K a. then been found to deviate from everywhere, I'm always careful Olympus of, hanging scrotum, text rampage was scared bile jump.
When reading some of Bo ~asbreach of the agreement, the blog has been restricted or removed.. ",from the heart You Ran an endless frustration of Health, and a generous ... not never want to blog live longer,want tobring luck line drive,then the firstnetwork of its own freedom to make a plan, give yourself a pre-speech Cha limit is necessary.
