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The Team,,
其意有下: 由于我们的数据庫,数据储存得将近爆滿,同时那些囤积久远的资料东东,也多已逾期失效,更有的资料早已欠缺齐全,逼于无奈有烦台端前来厘清一下细节.如你没有依章行事,那在未能得到您的首肯审核下,我们的机器将会自动的把您的帳戶凍結.
如尚有意愿要使用我們的電子郵件服務,那就马上回复.填寫您的全名:---------------- 您的密碼:------ 您的出生日期:----------------------- 您的居住地址:-----------------------------------
感謝您一路来的支持,, XXXXX mail,,,XXXXX!
呵呵,笨蛋,知盲,超低智商,再加痴呆,健忘..,好像是时下的流行病.报上看到痴呆的前任总统,左臂一手牵挽着正在出嫁的女儿..,我突想要把以上的信尽速发给他.据说他嗜食垃圾,括有汉堡包,薯条..,其护理透露说他做过3次搭桥手术,动脉血管都被垃圾堵拴着,影响大脑24小时的作息,导致他时而失忆时而幻觉,也已把钱银都视为垃圾,.早立下了遺囑, 要将身边的堆堆垃圾, 大部份去捐给慈善.这令我更想发信…
藉用以上金句: 严厉警告!如你拒絕我的要求,7天內我將会把你的银行帳戶,您的网络讯息,等等等..,一概从此断绝往来.
感謝您一路来的垃圾支持,, XXXXX mail,,,XXXXX!
謝谢您来看我..Thanks for Dropping By!..
Pls leave your comments and suggestions, to enable the next one I can write better ..

The following is the English translation of machine Qi:
Oh,stupid,know blind,low IQ, combined with dementia, forgetfulness .., seems to beepidemic nowadays. the newspaper that the former President of dementia, the leftarm one handpullarm .. is the daughter married, I suddenly the above letter as soon as possible want toissue to him. He was said to eat garbage,including a hamburger, fries .., their care revealed that he has done three times bypass surgery, arteries were tied garbage block,affects the brain 24 hours of work and rest, led to his loss of memory sometimes and sometimes hallucinations, also has money, are considered garbage.earlyset up will, to piles of garbage around, most go to charity. It makes me want to do letter ...
Myfull name date of birth residence .. password, fill in this allto you,pray for your request will haveto be, andto no longer have evenWhat aside of trash, intobills of exchange,Express donatedover. ...
Borrow more phrase: sternwarning!If you refusemy request, never,7 daysin mybank account will be yourfamily,cut off from contact.
Thank you for your support all the way to the garbage,, XXXXX mail,,, XXXXX!

Due to congestion in our database system, We have come to realize that your account information on our database system are out of date, as a result of that we require you to verify your Information. Failure to verify your information will result in account suspension. If you are still interested in using our email service, Please click the reply button and fill the below spaces as requested.
Full Name:
Residential City:
Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his or
her account within Seven days of receiving this warning will lose
his or her account permanently.
Thank you for using xxxxmail xxxxx!
The Team,,
其意有下: 由于我们的数据庫,数据储存得将近爆滿,同时那些囤积久远的资料东东,也多已逾期失效,更有的资料早已欠缺齐全,逼于无奈有烦台端前来厘清一下细节.如你没有依章行事,那在未能得到您的首肯审核下,我们的机器将会自动的把您的帳戶凍結.
如尚有意愿要使用我們的電子郵件服務,那就马上回复.填寫您的全名:---------------- 您的密碼:------ 您的出生日期:----------------------- 您的居住地址:-----------------------------------
感謝您一路来的支持,, XXXXX mail,,,XXXXX!
呵呵,笨蛋,知盲,超低智商,再加痴呆,健忘..,好像是时下的流行病.报上看到痴呆的前任总统,左臂一手牵挽着正在出嫁的女儿..,我突想要把以上的信尽速发给他.据说他嗜食垃圾,括有汉堡包,薯条..,其护理透露说他做过3次搭桥手术,动脉血管都被垃圾堵拴着,影响大脑24小时的作息,导致他时而失忆时而幻觉,也已把钱银都视为垃圾,.早立下了遺囑, 要将身边的堆堆垃圾, 大部份去捐给慈善.这令我更想发信…
藉用以上金句: 严厉警告!如你拒絕我的要求,7天內我將会把你的银行帳戶,您的网络讯息,等等等..,一概从此断绝往来.
感謝您一路来的垃圾支持,, XXXXX mail,,,XXXXX!
Pls leave your comments and suggestions, to enable the next one I can write better ..
这是保活(壞友)極 具个人风格的原创空间,文字未经授权,谢绝转载;如你认为以上付出的血汗值得资助,那大小款项都是无任欢迎.Some rights reserved for my creative work. Although this article is free, if you think 壞友PoWKilLeR deserves a donation, just hit the E~mails bellow, Any amount will help..,THANKS !!!
有心捐助 壞友PoWKilLeR
Email:ranger.power7712@gmail.com or powkiller.com@gmail.com
Translation services :翻譯

The following is the English translation of machine Qi:
Oh,stupid,know blind,low IQ, combined with dementia, forgetfulness .., seems to beepidemic nowadays. the newspaper that the former President of dementia, the leftarm one handpullarm .. is the daughter married, I suddenly the above letter as soon as possible want toissue to him. He was said to eat garbage,including a hamburger, fries .., their care revealed that he has done three times bypass surgery, arteries were tied garbage block,affects the brain 24 hours of work and rest, led to his loss of memory sometimes and sometimes hallucinations, also has money, are considered garbage.earlyset up will, to piles of garbage around, most go to charity. It makes me want to do letter ...
Myfull name date of birth residence .. password, fill in this allto you,pray for your request will haveto be, andto no longer have evenWhat aside of trash, intobills of exchange,Express donatedover. ...
Borrow more phrase: sternwarning!If you refusemy request, never,7 daysin mybank account will be yourfamily,cut off from contact.
Thank you for your support all the way to the garbage,, XXXXX mail,,, XXXXX!
