我思我写我用尽全副心血...拼了命的思,不停歇的写, 用...
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昨晚,夜访一位漂亮女人的窝,驚见10楼20楼..,一片灯火光明,塞满评塞满是语...关上电脑,养个神,有些不很服气的睡个觉. 今 早醒来,再访另一位漂亮女人的巢,从其30楼下来,每楼每阶的也都是甜言又 蜜语的赞叹!塞满在梯旁的纸¨,,,心一直沉一直沉..,怎么我的能力不及漂亮的女人.在想,是不是自己的样貌有如钟馗,把美男美眉都给吓得跑了?曾多次 的研究又再加研究,发现他们也没什太大的差异,有耳有眼,也都面如钟馗;又或是我貌似潘安,令他们个个都感得自相惭拙而蔽隐,弃我而消失得无影无踪..
这都是些早期写博时的落寞心态,这种心态对刚刚开博(blog)的, 而自身的文笔不健,资料又不丰厚齐全的博友们(bloggers)来说,是件必然的事.其实凡事都应策划一下,按捺下急进的心,多去探索些写博的技巧,用心揣摸名博的佈 局..,还有那常被忽略的博与博(blog)间的內外链接,多跟进和来回造访网友们的空间,慷慨的去给人留言,评语等等,你总得要付出一些时间和精力.
Some rights reserved for my creative work. Although this article is free, if you think 壞友PoWKilLeR deserves a donation, just hit the E~mails bellow, Any amount will help..,THANKS !!!

有心捐助 壞友PoWKilLeR
充作创意基金的善翁仁士们,可联系 Email:ranger.power7712@gmail.com orpowkiller.com@gmail.com
Some rights reserved for my creative work. Although this article is free, if you think 壞友PoWKilLeR deserves a donation, just hit the E~mails bellow, Any amount will help..,THANKS !!!

有心捐助 壞友PoWKilLeR
Translation 翻譯 services

I think I wrote my hard work ... mad exhausted fully the thinking, not nonstop writing, with ...
Last night, Interview with a beautiful woman's nest, Alarmed by the 10th floor, 20th floor .., a light bright, filled with commentary is filled with words ... off the computer, the raising of a God, some not very convinced of the night's sleep . this morning woke up, and revisit the other a beautiful woman's nest, from 30 downstairs to each floor of each band are also made another honey sweet words of praise! fill up the staircase next to the paper ¨,,, heart Shen Shen .. always has been, how my ability is less than beautiful woman. was thinking, is not his appearance is like Zhong Kui, the male beauty Meimei gave scared to run it? have a series of study, another study found that they nor even much different, there are ears has eyes, also faces as Zhong Kui; or I seemingly Pan, so that they all of them have a sense of too clumsy and the withholding of Zixiang ashamed, abandoned me and disappeared forever trace ..
Think, think, think .., thought and thought; seemed to wake up one thing ...
... ...
These are some of the early writing when Bo lonely mentality which has just opened Bo,, while their own style of writing is not health, information not huge range of Bo faithful who are pieces of inevitable. In fact, everything planning what should be, restrain the heart under the radical, multi-Bo to explore more writing skills, intentions fathom the layout of the name Bo .., there was often overlooked Bo and Bo (blog) between the internal and external links, multi-follow-up and back and forth to visit netizens space, generous to give comments, reviews, etc., you always have to pay a certain time and effort.
Blogging without him, as long as the do not give up, as long as written really well-written, sincere, will certainly encounter to join in the course of time passengers.
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