其实在你脚踏下的砂粒,也是 可以用之来挣钱的(您计算机內的处理 器,就是由亿万颗的细细又再细细,细细又再 细细的砂粒,堆聚而成的),问题只在于你对挣钱的技巧懂得有多少.网络上除了建站挣钱外,除了网购挣钱外,除了You Tube 挣钱外, 除了挣钱外..,其实您的博客(blog)也是可以挣钱的,世间沒有张口飯来的事~首先得要提升自己的慧根,得熟练几项博客技巧.如果件件都是 即成的別人提供的广告,样样都是即現的代理们早已生成的规定代码..,不用去你想我想,铁定的能夠流入到您袋里的蠅利~是个微乎其微.
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Translation services :翻譯这是保活(壞友)極 具个人风格的原创空间,文字未经授权,谢绝转载;如你认为以上付出的血汗值得资助,那大小款项都是无任欢迎.Some rights reserved for my creative work. Although this article is free, if you think 壞友PoWKilLeR deserves a donation, just hit the E~mails bellow, Any amount will help..,THANKS !!!
有心捐助 壞友PoWKilLeR

The following is the English translation of machine Qi:
Blog (blog) you can do to make money everywhere .. ~
The sand is under your foot, but also can be used to make money (the processor of your computer is thin again by the hundreds of millions of pieces of thin, thin thin sand again, heap together formed ), the question is you know how much money skills. Jianzhan network in addition to money, other than the net purchase of foreign money, in addition to You Tube to make money, other than to make money outside .. Flash ads, the real Your blog (blog) is also possible to make money, the world is no food to mouth things ~ First of all, have to raise their own by nature, too skilled a few blog tips. If All are Serve the others to provide advertising, everything is that the agent who is already generated by the provisions of the code .., do not you think I want to go, ironclad will flow into your pocket to fly Lee ~ is minimal.
The brains Fold a small corner turn, disable your old thinking, with less stuff around the eye to explore to explore, search a search, quiz .. and you'll realize: blog (blog) can do to earn money everywhere .. ~

The sand is under your foot, but also can be used to make money (the processor of your computer is thin again by the hundreds of millions of pieces of thin, thin thin sand again, heap together formed ), the question is you know how much money skills. Jianzhan network in addition to money, other than the net purchase of foreign money, in addition to You Tube to make money, other than to make money outside .. Flash ads, the real Your blog (blog) is also possible to make money, the world is no food to mouth things ~ First of all, have to raise their own by nature, too skilled a few blog tips. If All are Serve the others to provide advertising, everything is that the agent who is already generated by the provisions of the code .., do not you think I want to go, ironclad will flow into your pocket to fly Lee ~ is minimal.
The brains Fold a small corner turn, disable your old thinking, with less stuff around the eye to explore to explore, search a search, quiz .. and you'll realize: blog (blog) can do to earn money everywhere .. ~
